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Arcari, P (ed), (in development, expected 2023). Heterotopia, Radical Imagination, and Shattering Orders: Manifesting a future of liberated animals. Routledge.

Arcari, P. (Forthcoming). Food, farms, and freedom: Turning exclusions in ‘pro-vegan’ documentaries into productive interventions for animal advocacy. In, Parkinson, C. (Ed) Animal Activism On and Off Screen. Sydney University Press.

Arcari, P. (2023) Slow violence against animals: Unseen spectacles in racing and at zoos. Geoforum, 144:

Arcari, P. (2022) (Animal) Oppression: Responding to questions of efficacy and (il)legitimacy in animal advocacy with a new collective action/master frame. Animal Studies Journal, 11(2): 69-108.

Arcari P. (2022) Public Perceptions of Animal Advocacy in the UK: Preliminary results of a small-scale (pilot) project. Centre for Human Animal Studies Blog. Online, 16 December.

Arcari, P. Probyn-Rapsey, F., and Singer, H. (2022). Violent Architectures, in Stanlislav Roudavski (ed) Architect Victoria - Design for Life, Edition 3: 72-75.

Arcari P. (2022) To hell in a gift basket: The deceptions and dangers of corporate conservation and philanthrocapitalism. Medium. Online, 18 February.

Arcari P. (2022) Creating present futures for non-human animals: Vegan heterotopia as pathways to “the best of all possible worlds.” Centre for Human Animal Studies Blog. Online, 7 February.

Arcari, P. (2021) The Covid pandemic, ‘pivotal’ moments, and persistent anthropocentrism: Interrogating the (il)legitimacy of critical animal perspectives. Animal Studies Journal, 10(1): 186-239.

Arcari, P., Probyn-Rapsey, F., and Singer, H. (2021) Dove le specie non s’incontrano: animali invisibilizzati, natura urbana e limiti della città (parte 1). Liberazioni, 47: 44-56.

Arcari , P. (2020) COVID-19 shows why we need to ‘cease and desist’ from commodifying animals. Medium – Age of Awareness. Online, 11 April.

Arcari, P., Probyn-Rapsey, F., and Singer, H. (2020). Where species don’t meet: Invisibilized animals, urban nature and city limits. Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space. OnlineFirst. 

Arcari, P. (2019). Making Sense of ‘Food’ Animals: A critical exploration of the persistence of meat. Palgrave Macmillan: Singapore.

Arcari, P. (2019). Review. Media and Food Industries: The New Politics of Food, by Michelle Phillipov. Media Industries Journal. 6(1).

Arcari, P. (2018).  The Ethical Masquerade: (Un)masking mechanisms of power behind ‘ethical’ meat. In, Phillipov, M. and Kirkwood K. (Eds) Alternative Food Politics: From the Margins to the Mainstream. Routledge.

Arcari, P. (2018). Dynamic non-human animals in theories of practice: views from the subaltern. In, Maller C. and Strengers, Y. (Eds) Social Practices and Dynamic Non-Humans: Nature, Materials and Technologies. Palgrave Macmillan.  

Arcari, P (2017) Perverse visibilities? Foregrounding non-human animals in ‘ethical’ and ‘sustainable’ meat consumption. The Brock Review, 13(1): 24-52 

Arcari, P. (2017) Normalised, human-centric discourses of meat and animals in climate change, sustainability and food security literature. Agriculture and Human Values, 34(1): 69-86 DOI: 10.1007/s10460-016-9697-0

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